The best way to move from a shared hosting account to a time and effort saving semi–dedicated web server without any difficulty. Get yourself a point–and–click Control Panel. Have unlimited domains and databases. Utilize 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is .
Mars Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases Unlimited PgSQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail - Fast SSD Drives
SSD Data Caching No Data Corruption Data Compression ModSecurity Anti-Virus Protection 24/7 Tech Support 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Multiple Data Centers
Mars hosting at
€32.94/mo.Evaluate our hosting services with a 30-day free trial. No credit card necessary.
SSH Access
Free of charge SSH access for your machine
The semi-dedicated plans come with SSH access rights, which enables you to work directly with the web server, without needing to utilize the Web Site Control Panel. It will be possible to work with your data files, databases, email and all things related to your sites. Since you share the machine with a couple of other people, you’ll not have root privileges to modify the server’s settings.
With the smaller package, SSH access offered as an extra service, while with the bigger setup it will come as a cost free add-on.
Free Dedicated IP
Absolutely free dedicated IP address for your server
We include a completely free dedicated IP with the Semi-dedicated 2 server bundle. A dedicated IP address will enable you to promptly set up an SSL certificate for your site or register your very own name servers that will resolve to your own IP address.
The dedicated IP is freely available to use immediately after you access your Web Site Control Panel. Furthermore, if you need extra dedicated IP addresses, it’s possible to order as many as you want at a promotional price from the Web Site Control Panel.
24x7 Support
24x7 customer help
Our crew of professional employees is at your service 24 hours for any kind of problems that you may have regarding our semi-dedicated plans. Regardless of whether you require information or have a critical matter to deal with, we’re here to show you how to. You may get in touch with us by using mail or by way of the ticketing system. A 60–minute response is guaranteed. You also can ring us on the phone or use the real–time chat service during company hours.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
Double secured semi-dedicated servers
By keeping software applications, e–mails and databases on multiple physical devices rather than just 1, we’ve created a whole lot more stable website hosting workspace for your web profile. Also, we have minimized the servers’ susceptibility to hacking/DDoS issues that may easily break down the whole server on a standard shared hosting system.
VPN Access
Browse without a trace from almost any gadget
If, for any reason, you would like to disguise your web presence, we offer the optimal resolution for you. With any of our semi-dedicated plans, you can have VPN admittance and have your incoming and outbound web traffic traced via one of our VPN data centers. And you will be able to make use of identical VPN adjustments on virtually any machine that is linked to the web – your desktop computer, your notebook, your cell phone, etcetera.
Data Backups
Your site content and articles can be recovered at any time
No site is fully–secured against hacker intrusions or from accidental information removal on your side. With our data backup services, we are ready to take back your site information whenever you want. On top of the regular server backups that we generate, you can yourself create manual backups of your site information with a mouse–click from the File Manager section of your Web App Installer. Simply make an archive file of the directory that you wish to manually back up and put it in a location in your web hosting account that you like.
Scripting Support
Full scripting support on virtually all hosting servers
All semi-dedicated plans provide extensive scripting support. You can employ just about any PHP or Python–based web app and make the most of well over 3000 Perl modules supported by our Linux servers. Additionally, you can make use of PostgreSQL and MySQL databases and make use of the InnoDB MySQL database engine offered with every single package deal. SSI, Zend Optimizer, ImageMagick and GD Library are supported as well.
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Service guarantees
- The semi-dedicated plans are setup for you at no cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access rights. 100–percent–free Control Panel integrated.
Compare our prices
- Do a comparison of Goo Hosting’s semi-dedicated plans to see which setup offers you the resources and features you will want to handle your growing websites.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- We’re available 24x7x365 to respond to any kind of inquiries in relation to the semi-dedicated plans. 1–hour response time guarantee.