SRV Records in Shared Hosting
You're going to be able to set up a new SRV record for each of the domain names which you host in a shared website hosting account on our innovative cloud platform. Provided that the DNS records for the domain are handled on our end, you are able to manage them without any difficulty through the respective section of your Hepsia CP and just minutes later any new record that you create will be active. Hepsia features a really user-friendly interface and all it will take to set up an SRV record is to fill in a couple of text boxes - the service the record will be used for, the Internet protocol and the port number. The priority (1-100), weight (1-100) and TTL boxes have default values, which you could leave except when the other company requires different ones. TTL stands short for Time To Live and this number illustrates the time in seconds for the record to be active in case you change it or remove it at some point, the standard one being 3600.
SRV Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
Creating a brand new SRV record for any domain name hosted in a semi-dedicated server account on our end will be very easy and is going to take no more than just a few clicks using a user-friendly interface. Using the DNS management tool in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can create any record that you need and when you select SRV as the type, several more textboxes will appear on your screen. There, you will need to type in the record value, the service, the protocol and also the port number and you'll be ready. Furthermore, in case the other company requires it, you will also be able to set the weight and priority values when they have to be different from the default value, which is 10. The range for these two options is from 1 to 100, so you've got lots of possibilities if you use a large number of servers for a given service. You can also determine how long the newly created SRV record will remain active if you delete it in the future by setting a TTL (Time To Live) value for it. By default, the TTL is 3600 seconds.